Plump, ripe blackberries are the very taste of autumn, what better way to capture their delicious flavour than with this easy to follow and time saving compote. In a small bowl, combine 1tbsp of the orange juice with the cornflour. Stir until smooth and set aside. Put the caster sugar, berries, spices and the remaining orange juice in a medium pan and heat on low until simmering, about 1-2 minutes. Stir in the cornflour mixture, lower the heat and cook for another 3 minutes. Remove from the heat and allow to cool. The compote can be in stored in the fridge for up to 3 days or frozen for up to four weeks. Freezing and defrosting guidelines In order to enjoy optimum flavour and quality, frozen compote is best used within four weeks of its freezing date. Always defrost and heat thoroughly before eating. For more tips on freezing and defrosting food, read our article Love Your Freezer.