Fish with wasabi cream sauce recipe

Ingredients 500g fish fillet, cut into 2 x 4cm pieces 1tsp salt 1tbsp light soy sauce 1/2tsp sugar 1/4tsp ground white pepper 1 egg, small, beaten with a fork Cooking oil for deep-frying 60g corn flour (cornstarch) or potato flour 1tbsp cooking oil lettuce of choice for garnishing Sauce (combined) 100ml mayonnaise 4tsp wasabi 75ml fresh chicken stock or water 1/2tsp salt

Season fish pieces with salt, soy sauce, sugar and pepper. Set aside for 15 minutes, then add beaten egg and mix well with fish pieces. Heat sufficient oil for deep-frying. Coat fish slices thoroughly with flour, then deep-fry until crisp and light golden. Drain and set aside. Heat 1 tbsp oil in a clean wok. Add combined sauce ingredients and stir well. When liquid reaches the boil, turn off heat and add fish. Toss gently to coat fish with sauce, then dish out onto a bed of lettuce. Alternatively, arrange fried fish on a serving dish lined with lettuce leaves and spoon sauce over. Serve with rice.

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